Our first lockdown virtual home visit
As a practice we are still very much open for business, working hard on our existing projects. The current public health circumstances and lockdown have provided some challenges for the practice as we have not been able to see sites directly nor meet new clients face to face. Thankfully, technology has allowed us to work around these situations. For example, one of our clients has been tasked with taking a video of his property to support his planning application. We are also meeting ‘virtually’ with our clients and contractors alike.
Last week we had our first online consultation – a virtual lockdown Architect home visit – the meeting was a great success.
Prior to meeting any potential clients, we always undertake a search of the Council’s planning website. In this instance the property had modifications undertaken in 2012 and, as such, accurate drawings of the existing house were available. Our prospective client kindly provided some previous sales literature and along with Google Street View, we were able to build a reasonably complete ‘picture’ of the current property.

During the meeting, Allister was able to annotate the existing drawings on-screen during the conversation to highlight some of the issues involved with the client’s suggestions and sketched over possible solutions.

People are currently spending more time than normal in their homes and are probably needing to use spaces in differing ways. This may highlight changes to consider to your property. In the coming month’s lookout for a series of blogs related to architectural design, home improvements and house extensions.