Greenbelt replacement dwelling
modern replacement dwelling in Greenbelt | Cumnor, Oxfordshire
The dwelling to be replaced is a bungalow dating from the 1930s and self-built by our client’s grandfather. It wasn’t meant to last forever, and the cost of running repairs to keep it watertight have become uneconomical.
The site is amazing; located on the edge of an SSSi, it’s tranquil and has long reaching views over the Vale of White Horse. It’s also in the Oxford Greenbelt which presents challenges when it comes to gaining planning consent. The volumetric size of the old cottage meant that it was not a straightforward exercise to present the planning department with a much larger replacement.
We executed a strategy for our client which involved a significant amount of additional work, but with the help of a number of other consultants, including an understanding planning officer, we achieved planning permission for the house our clients had wished for and importantly at the first attempt.
Construction will be underway in 2018