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Rooms with a View | self-build renovation

We undertake a fair amount of work for self-building clients. The work is often new build homes, but increasingly we are working for self-building clients who are undertaking total renovation works.

Our clients edit and write for MidCentury Magazine, a fantastic publication that focuses on design, interiors and architecture from the middle of the 20th century. They had long been looking for a ‘project’ and found the ideal property, appropriately built in the 1960’s but virtually untouched since! Following a protracted purchase we were commissioned in 2013 to design a loft conversion along with some internal re-planning and technical help throughout the build.

MCM_LR cover #10

MidCentury #10 – cover

Situated in The Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Green Belt, the outlook from the property across open fields really couldn’t be bettered. However, the Chiltern’s Building Design Guide is quite a prescriptive document and the prospect of a modern flat roofed dormer, entirely appropriate for the age of the house, was always going to be contrary to policy.

Careful negotiation with the planning department firstly through a Pre-application Enquiry and then a full Householder application gave our clients approval to construct the extra space they needed in a manner sympathetic to the age and style of the property.

Our clients have taken an unassuming 1960’s bungalow and have turned it into the mid-century masterpiece it always wanted to be and creating several rooms with glorious views!

The project has been featured in issue#10 of the magazine, and is available to buy now – just follow this link to the MidCentury shop – alternatively, you can see the transformation and read about clients’ journey here



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